In the spirit of Teacher’s Appreciation Week, ‘Teachers of Macleans College’ aims to highlight the passion of our school’s educators. Catch up on previous interviews here and immerse yourself in the stories of the Macleans College school community.

Today we interview Mrs Hunt, an excellent English teacher in Hillary House. Mrs Hunt teaches from Year 9 English to Year 13 A-Level Literature.

She was asked the following questions with the following responses.

Q: What inspired you to become an English teacher?

With a name like Juliet Reid (maiden name), becoming an English Literature Teacher was perhaps a foregone conclusion.  Both my parents were also teachers (English and Geography) so I had a bit of an idea of what I was getting into.  I am lucky that I love my subject.  Nothing quite beats pulling apart a complex text with students who engage, question and ponder.

Q: What is the most memorable experience you had while teaching abroad?

Goats interrupting lessons was pretty common in Ethiopia.  The school noticeboard was on the side of an abandoned army tank and 100 students in your class was the norm.  My most memorable experience though, was a group of six girls from my Female Tutorials telling me that they were now planning to go to university.  It was unusual for girls to progress beyond High School in the village I taught in so this made me very proud.

Q: Is there a special memory from your childhood or formative years that has shaped who you are today?

Travelling to India when I was 17 – an eye opener which gave me a hankering to see more of the world.

Q: What values guide you in your approach to teaching?

Appreciating each student for who they are and what they can bring to a room.

Q: If you could invite six people, living or dead, to your dinner party, whom would you choose?

Only six??  That’s tough.

My Mum – she died 12 years ago

William Shakespeare - [obviously!]

Margaret Atwood – so much wisdom

Abraham Vergese – a new entry, after reading ‘The Covenant of Water’

Sir David Attenborough – no explanation needed

Michelle Obama – a real role model

    9th August, 2024
    Written by Mrs Hunt, slightly edited by Amelia Hu
    Photography by Emma Li

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