Mrs Coventry supervising students at the History Bee and Bowl. You can read the article about the event on our website.

Mrs Coventry is a social studies and history teacher in Snell House. She specifically teaches junior social studies, the Macleans Certificate History programme, and Cambridge AS History. She is also the teacher-in-charge for the Macleans College News Committee.

She was asked the following questions with the following responses.

Q: Did you do anything before pursuing teaching?

I enjoyed history and encouragement was given at school so I decided to pursue History and Politics at the University of Auckland.

I completed my one-year Secondary Teachers training after finishing my BA and before returning to do my Masters.

After completing a Masters in Politics, I worked in the Political Studies Department at the University of Auckland as a researcher for two and a half years before travelling overseas.

Q: Why history in particular?

It was my love of the subject from an early age that made me choose to teach it. History has always fascinated me. I believe learning about the past helps us understand the present. My interest in politics was similarly shaped by events and people.

While travelling, the countries I visited were partly chosen due to their history; I went to Russia to explore the events of The Revolution and Venice to see the impact of The Renaissance!

Q: What’s your favourite class to teach?

I have never really had a favourite class. It is the students who shape your attitude toward this. In some cases, I have taught students for 2–3 years. You then develop an excellent relationship which aids learning and friendship.

I did enjoy teaching A Level American History, hence the presidents on my wall in S4!!![1]

Q: What has been your favourite moment from your entire teaching career at Macleans?

I can’t think of a specific moment. Every day is different and challenging. Macleans College is an exceptional school.

1. While the school still offers A Level History, students only have the option to study Modern European history. Previously, there were enough students for two A Level History classes and students could pick between the European option and the American option.

Note: the responses were paraphrased into full sentences for the sake of the article. The integrity of the text has still been maintained.

July 21st, 2023
Written by Mrs Coventry, edited by Clarissa Oblefias
Photography by Daniel Hulley

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