A Successful Week Under the Sea

Despite the short timeframe, the Macleans Drama Department pulled off an incredible show.

Macleans Esports: Nothing to Undermine

A look into the gaming side of Macleans…

We Will Remember Them with the Chorale

The Macleans College Chorale performed at the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

Macleans Investment Club Hosts MarketWatch Competition

A look into one of the many extracurriculars at Macleans…

A Melodic Finish to Term 1

This year’s Small Houses were certainly a treat!

Another Road to Wellington Accomplished

Macleans’ Drama Department sees another success

Macleans College Hosts First Community Carnival

Where the school and its community come together for the first time…

Teachers’ Strike for a Better Future

It has been known for a long time that teachers are “underpaid and undervalued”.

Athletics Day 1

The annual athletics event commences…