A Look Into International Prefect Training

Who assists the international student community at Macleans?

Get Yourself Into An Extracurricular. Seriously.

Well to be fair, they’re quite fun.

The Pros and Cons of Playing Sports

Sport has become an integral part of our everyday lives.

The Writer’s Niche and Introduction for 2024

It’s a new year, meaning new writers, and new niches. Welcome.

Start your year right with better note-taking

Have a look at some methods and tricks that you can implement into your own note-taking.

Let’s Stop Pretending That Reading Doesn’t Matter

Literacy rates still make a difference in the long term.

New Year, Same Me Because I’m Already Freakin’ Fabulous

An outdated quote from Pinterest that may have more substance than it seems…

Future Peer Support Leaders Undergo Immersive Training

Have a look at what it takes to be a peer support

Junior Picnic Day: Fierce Fun

Another classic annual event that every Macleans student gets to experience –…

Big House Choir 2023: A Harmonious Celebration of House Pride

Juniors of Macleans College take centre stage in the annual Big House Choir Competition.