And the Winner is . . .


Extracurricular Expo 2024

Students get a chance to see what Macleans has to offer.

Preparing for Junior Milestones? No fear – juniors!

Well hopefully this helped, but don’t re-read it over and over again!

International Student Induction Day 2024: New Beginnings

Wow new students! Not just from anywhere… but from all over the world!

Year 9 Camp 2024

A look into what the Year 9 cohort did during their week away from school

Love Is In The Air (And In Our Ears)

Just a slightly belated appreciation post…

Valentine’s Day: The Cause Behind Our Roses

 A deeper look into the Valentine’s Day traditions at Macleans.

Why You Should Join a Music Group (Source: Trust Me)

0:33 of ‘All Star’ (Smash Mouth)

Athletics Day 2024

Here’s a sneak peek at the preliminary results for 2024.